Together we can once more raise lightweight rowing to greatness

We’re seeking support to launch the first and only World Lightweight Rowing Alliance

A key part of our campaign is securing a good level of donor support in order to fulfil our goals. We welcome donations and funding from individuals, foundations and rowing bodies.

Our fundraising will form part of the first wave of raising global awareness of the plight of lightweight rowing. And it’s our belief that a strategic approach is the best way to fully understand and address the weakened state of both lightweight and of global rowing generally.

Initial funding is needed for set-up costs, website design, launch and marketing. Our estimated budget for the first 12 months is US$100,000. Long-term, our strategy sees us taking a sustainable approach to generating revenue - including developing commercial partnerships.

Can you help springboard our mission? We’ve outlined our strategy below.

Building foundations

You’ll be helping to build a forum for past, present and future lightweight rowers to connect. You will also be creating an important influencing body with a collective and meaningful voice.

Our success will be measured by our growing membership and increasing social media engagement.

A united voice

We will quickly establish ourselves as a recognised and respected lobby group. Ours will be a powerful voice representing lightweight rowing.

Success here will be measured by how we rowing bodies to support and grow lightweight rowing.

Global growth

You will help to grow lightweight rowing globally across all categories and jurisdictions, i.e., club, college/varsity, national and international.

Success will be demonstrated by an increase in lightweight rowers.

Worldwide inclusion

You will become part of a driving force which encourages and endorses the inclusion of lightweight rowing at regional, national, and international events.

An indication of success here will be an increase in regattas that include lightweight events as well as an increase in the number of lightweight rowers participating.

Increased exposure

You will be contributing to an alliance that promotes new and existing national lightweight rowing programs.

Success here will be demonstrated in the national federations who’ll sign up to the WLRA. Another key indicator will be the establishment and/or the rebuilding of existing lightweight rowing programs.

Promoting events

You will be responsible for the creation, design and promotion of lightweight events that drive competitor and, in particular, supporter or fan interest in competitive 2km races, current and future head races & ergometer events.

The creation of new events, which include lightweight rowers, will be a key success indicator. Success will also be reflected in the numbers of participants, viewership, and commercial partnerships.

How you’ll contribute to our global lightweight rowing vision

“The WLRA is a not-for-profit group, constituted in the U.K. wishing to see lightweight rowing survive, flourish and be globally significant.”

— Peter Antonie, Founding Member

Support the World Lightweight Rowing Alliance

We aim to take on responsibility for the future of lightweight rowing. We firmly believe that lightweight rowing is critically important to the health of the sport overall. You can support us in achieving our goal.